New WhatsApp Update Feature 2019
In the current version, users can login across WhatsApp app on a single device at a time. If you sign into a new device, the old device shows that the account has been logged out.
WhatsApp Web that is accessed on a browser works differently. Users can access WhatsApp on the smartphone and PC at the same time using WhatsApp web.But upcoming features may be surprising for some users. The company has been working on improving the basic features.
WhatsApp Will Soon Allow You To Use One Account on Multiple Phones
In the current version, users can login across WhatsApp app on a single device at a time. If you sign into a new device, the old device shows that the account has been logged out.
WhatsApp Web that is accessed on a browser works differently. Users can access WhatsApp on the smartphone and PC at the same time using WhatsApp web.But upcoming features may be surprising for some users. The company has been working on improving the basic features.
WhatsApp Will Soon Allow You To Use One Account on Multiple Phones